What we Do

Features worth having?​

we are working hard to bring you this features.​


AI-Powered Hand Hygiene

Our advanced AI technology monitors every stage of handwashing in real-time, ensuring thorough and accurate cleaning. By analysing data, we can identify and correct any errors in washing technique.


Compliance Monitoring

Our system tracks and reports hand hygiene compliance data, providing valuable insights for analysis and optimisation of preventive measures.

Real-Time Feedback

Our users receive instant feedback on their handwashing technique, with personalised suggestions for improvement.


Hospital Acquired Infection Prevention​

Significantly reduce the risk of hospital-acquired infections with our advanced hand hygiene solution.


Access Control

Restrict access to sensitive areas only to those who have adhered to hand hygiene protocols, ensuring a higher level of security.


Easy Integration

Our solution integrates seamlessly with existing systems, minimising disruption to daily operations and ensuring rapid implementation.

Would you like to start a project with us?​

For Partnership or Collaboration please feel free to contact us